

Our small but mighty team helped bring identity and class to a new tech platform in the podcasting, vodcasting, and live streaming space. With a strong strategy and consistent creative output, we’ve driven results and new sign-ups for the service. 


When the client approached Bantam Marketing, they faced a common challenge: how do we establish a strong brand identity and drive growth in a crowded market? 

In response, Bantam Marketing partnered with the client’s team to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that integrated brand identity development, platform setup, and SEO-focused blogging.


Bantam Marketing worked to build a robust brand identity that integrated well with social media. This included creating a compelling logo and color scheme, crafting a unique messaging strategy, and developing consistent branding guidelines across all marketing channels. The result was a brand that stood out in a competitive market, making it easier to attract new users and build a loyal customer base.

Bantam Marketing then leveraged existing data to set up marketing platforms, create high-converting automation, and optimize SEO for blog articles. Bantam Marketing increased page views, engagement, and conversions from blog articles by focusing on inbound marketing. 

This approach helped establish the brand as a thought leader in its industry, driving organic traffic to its website and generating leads that increased sales revenue.

Bantam Marketing's unique approach to inbound marketing helped achieve its long-term goals. By building a strong brand identity and leveraging data-driven insights to drive growth, the team established itself as a leader in its industry.

Ready to get started?

Let's get to work! Our small (but mighty) team is here to help with your marketing. All it takes is a quick call to discuss your goals.

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